Shropshire has a wealth of parks and gardens which are considered of special significance, both nationally and locally. In the 1990's Dr. Paul Stamper identified over 286 designed landscapes of National or Local importance, or local interest. Those of National Importance are included on the 'Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England' compiled by Historic England and are offered some protection from development which may damage or otherwise compromise their Significance.
An important part of the work of Shropshire Parks & Gardens Trust is responding to planning applications which threaten landscapes and gardens in Shropshire. This work has become even more important since the Garden History Society, an organisation with a 'Statutory Consultee' role within the planning system for proposed developments that may impact negatively upon a Registered Park & Garden, announced in 2012 that due to lack of resources it would not be able to comment on all applications within the consultation guidelines.
More recently, the Garden History Society and the Association of Gardens Trusts have merged to form a single body 'The Gardens Trust' which has taken over the role of 'Statutory Consultee' from the Garden History Society.
Cutbacks in the way Shropshire Council will operate in future and changes in the planning system in recent years, also present challenges. Shropshire Parks & Gardens Trust works closely with both The Gardens Trust and with Shropshire Council to ensure we are aware of any proposed developments so we can provide informed comment when historic parks and gardens come under threat of inappropriate development.
If you are concerned about any such developments please contact us.
In this Section, summaries of formal responses from the Shropshire Parks & Gardens Trust to planning applications will be published.
Shropshire Parks & Gardens Trust
24 Greenacre Road